STEM Education
Currently, the education department through the curriculum division is in the process of developing a new reformed curriculum called the Standards- Based Curriculum (SBC) to replace Outcomes- Based Curriculum (OBC). During the development process, STEM concepts, principles and process were embedded in the SBC curriculum documents (syllabuses and teacher guides) mainly for upper primary and secondary sector.
All syllabuses for junior and senior high school explained the importance of integrated STEM under the section called: STEAM Rationale, Aims & Goals and Guiding Principles.
The importance of the 21st century skills are also captured under the section called: Essential Knowledge, Skills, Values & Attitudes.

Source: Technology & Industrial Arts Syllabus for Grade 9 & 10 (2020)
The Core Curriculum Design was one of the designs used in the development of the PNG Curriculum. The core curriculum design has been utilized to provide all students a common set of learnings (essential knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) in order to effectively prepare them to live, study and work in the 21st century

In addition, the core learning design was used to determine and integrate a core set of common learnings (knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes) that should be provided for all students within and across all subject fields and subjects to ensure that they acquire and master these before they are career, higher education, and citizenship ready.
The Core curriculum was embedded in all learning standards - content standards and grade-level benchmarks by all subjects.
Core curriculum comprises the following:
Cognitive skills (critical and creative thinking);
Reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making skills;
High level thinking skills (analysis, evaluation and synthesis);
21st century skills;
STEAM principles and skills;
Spiritual values and virtues;
Reading, writing and communication skills, and
Essential knowledge, values and attitudes.
For more information regarding PNG SBC Curriculum, click below.

Many of the curriculum or learning standards – content standards, benchmarks, evidence outcomes, performance standards also capture the STEM concepts and practices. Some examples are shown in the table below.

Apart from embedding STEAM concepts in the curriculum standards for almost all of the STEAM disciplines, STEAM pedagogies & practices such as inquiry- based learning, project-based learning, etc.., STEM problem solving processes and skills such as Engineering design process, creative and critical thinking processes and skills and many more are elaborated in the teacher guides for implementers – teachers to apply in planning, teaching, learning and assessment.

Source: Grade 6 Science Teacher Guide (2020)
After the curriculum development process, a lot of SBC/STEAM training have been conducted. Many education officers from different sectors have benefited from some of the SBC/ STEM training conducted in 2020 and 2021.
The table below shows some of the trainings conducted so far.
However, captured in this website is one of the SBC/STEM Education training conducted for 400 plus elementary, primary and high school teachers. The website also indicates link to other SBC/STEM trainings conducted for different groups of people.

400 plus provincial TOT Trainers from the 22 provinces
20-24th July, 2020
Junior & Senior High School SBC TOT Training.
National Trainer of Trainers (TOT) – TOTs from the 22 provinces were flown to Port Moresby to be trained on STEM education and SBC. The TOTs include provincial education advisors, guidance officers and provincial trainers.

15 participants mainly curriculum developers or officers from the curriculum division including teachers and lecturers
This was a training and writing workshop. This training and writing workshop was done in two weeks.
This was one of my biggest challenge to guide a team of writers from different fields of education in developing a STEAM Resource Booklet for Grades 9,10,11 and 12 to supplement or support the implementation of Standards-Based Curriculum.

7-11th December, 2020
Junior & Senior High School ENB SBC TOT Training
300 plus high school and secondary teachers
All the high school and secondary teachers in the East New Britain Province. Even some elementary and primary teachers who were interested in STEM education came for the training

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I was invited by the chairman of the Head Teachers of a cluster group known as Taskul inspectorate which consists of a high school known as New Handover high school, 27 Primary schools and 63 Elementary schools in Kavieng District in New Ireland Province.
The high school and the 27 Primary and 63 Elementary schools are all located on a group of islands known as Lavongai Island (also known as New Hanover) in the New Ireland Province of Papua New Guinea.
The invitation was to conduct a one-week training on STEM education for 400 plus high school, elementary and primary teachers during their school in-service training week from the 27th of June – 4th of July, 2021 . Due to remoteness and negligence by the provincial education authority, for a decade now, there has been no in-services as such were conducted especially in that cluster to help the teachers in their teaching career and be informed about latest developments in education.

This cluster came up with this combine In-service program involving all New Hanover High School teachers plus all Primary and Elementary School teachers in the Taskul electorate. The only form of transport to the schools is by boat which takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes from Kavieng town.

Boat trip to New Handover