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The Journey to a Connected World

Beginning of STEM Education In PNG 


Papua New Guinea is advocating for STEAM education as another approach to increasing learner access to STEM through targeting students’ interest in the arts. In Papua New Guinea the STEAM approach was adapted into the Standard Based Curriculum with the inclusion of Arts into STEM because of the notable artistic related ideas depicted in PNG’s diverse way of life. Papua New Guinean culture is strongly embedded into their daily living and thinking. It is a form of identity and impacts their decision making. These diverse forms of creativity is depicted in various art forms, so coming from an Art oriented society, the inclusion of Art in STEM will enhance the concept of STEM.


Papua New Guinea (PNG), through political direction just begun the STEAM agenda in 2020 or earlier with the belief that STEAM skills are crucial to innovation and development in our contemporary economy since STEAM is being positioned so centrally to a country’s competitiveness. Despite the strong advocacy on STEM agenda, there are current issues or problems that needs to be address. Through research, Hobbs, L, (2017) identified some of those problems in Australia which I believed are common in PNG as well. One of those current problems include the leakage from the STEM education pipeline, where loss of interest and engagement occurs at critical junctures such as the transition from primary to secondary, when STEM subjects become electives, and the transition to tertiary study (Tytler, Osborne, Williams, Tytler, & Cripps Clark, 2008). This problem has a number of interlocking elements:

  • increasing disenchantment with STEM study in secondary school, leading to lower postcompulsory participation, leading to STEM-qualified shortages in both industry and education (Tytler, 2007).

  • Another dimension to the problem is a reported decline in the “STEM skills” of the upcoming workforce - “soft skills” such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving are not adequately taught at schools. Creativity, problem-solving and entrepreneurial skills are promoted as crucial to participating in the emerging economy (Australian Government, 2015b).


Arising from these observations and concerns about current and projected workforce, there is a need for a number of policies and initiatives.PNG through the National Department of Education has reacted to the STEAM agenda in a number of ways. Already, there are number of initiatives and work done within the National Department of Education to promote the STEAM agenda. The current government led by Hon. James Marape and the education department through the leadership of current education secretary, Dr. Uke Kombra are highly commended. These initiatives are the way forward for PNG to educate current and future generations in the 21st century and beyond to be STEAM literate meaning; competitive on the global economy, real-world problem solvers, innovators, inventors and creators of new technologies. These initiatives include the development of the National Schools of Excellence Policy (2020) and the National Curriculum Standards Framework (2020) which encapsulate the STEAM agenda and STEAM concepts

The National Schools of Excellence Policy (2020) stipulate the following key areas of the STEM agenda: 

  • Technological advancement

  • Economic imperatives

  • Blended Economy

  • School of Excellence Concept and STEM Education

  • PNG’s comparative advantages and inherent constraints

  • Assessment of the domestic labor market

  1. Domestic STEM skilled workforce

  2. Overseas STEM jobs.

  3. 21st century workplace challenges

  4. Higher returns in STEM jobs

  5. Diversification of the economic base

  6. Education curriculum restructuring


Parts of the Minister’s statement in the National Schools of Excellence Policy (2020,p3) states:

The National Schools of Excellence Policy (2020)outlines the School of Excellence Concept and the STEM Education. The policy contains challenging proposals that require a multi-faceted stakeholder approach to achieve its intended objectives. Success of this policy will be a result of collaborative efforts between the Department of Education and relevant stakeholders.


The statement implies that the STEM agenda is a challenge and requires collaborative effort from relevant stakeholders. 

Who are those relevant stakeholders? Of course there are many relevant stakeholders and one of those relevant stakeholders could be industry partners. Schools need to partner with industries or even their surrounding communities and an example is shown in this link: School Industry Partnership in PNG


Also, part of the Education Department Secretary’s statement by Dr. Uke Kombra in the National Schools of Excellence Policy (2020, p4) states:

In accordance with the government’s numerous standing policy intentions. This is a strategic intervention which is intended to ensure that the middle tier of the education system starts to produce students that are highly educated, knowledgeable and agile in their abilities to comprehend scientific concepts and improvise to create innovative tools to solve everyday problems. This is a first step in an effort to convert the national manpower from end users of technology to innovators, inventors and creators of technology to solve domestic and global problems. This Policy entails the rationale for introducing the Schools of Excellence Concept and the STEM Education. Humanities, Arts & Social Science (HASS) Courses will also be integrated in the School of Excellence Curriculum (National Schools of Excellence Policy, p4).


From the above statement, this is only a first step in the STEM agenda. Some of the biggest challenges are yet to be encountered which includes promoting effective school improvement and curriculum practices and maximizing access to quality teachers and school leaders. However, changes to curricula, school practices and teacher education, are often subjected to forces stemming from political, industrial and social cycles where recommended changes might not necessarily align with what educators deem important in promoting STEM education. There is a need to customize teaching and learning to ensure students’ current readiness and achievement levels are identified and built upon. Integrated STEM-based activities lend themselves effectively to providing learning opportunities that not only meet students’ current levels but also extend them.


We live in a connected, global community, and students should experience a school education that reflects this reality. In other words, the curriculum, particularly curriculum that is related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (the STEM subjects), must provide opportunities for students to explore and experience the kind of connectedness that reflects life outside of school (L. Rennie et al, 2018).


An integrated curriculum that will enable students to understand and develop new knowledge about how they can think more globally and how those real-world problems are affecting themselves and their environment.






















Students should think more globally and play their part in finding shared solutions to the world's urgent challenges through sustainable practices which can be done through one of the STEM pedagogies called STEM Project - Based Learning.



The Future
Of STEM Education In PNG


How can we develop our current and future generations to be competitive on the global economy, real-world problem solvers, innovators, inventors and creators of new technologies????




Above link relates to the beginning of STEAM education in PNG. It includes mainly SBC and STEAM Training and how SBC has captured the STEAM concepts

To establish results in any real-life situation or problem, students must be critical, creative and be innovative thinkers when responding to challenges faced especially in the 21st century. Those challenges may involve economic, social or political issues or even problems faced at school or anywhere. These thinking skills are also applied in any problems that may involved Mathematical modelling, Mathematical proof, Statistical Inquiry and Scientific inquiry/method since these skills requires students to apply knowledge and skills/ ideas or use evidence to support proposed arguments and solve problems. Other skills involved in any problem solving may require Computational and Systems Thinking, Design Thinking and Engineering Design. All these thinking skills enable students to create and apply new concepts in specific context, make links, see problems in a different way and provide alternative explanations or provide alternative solutions to those problems.


We live in a connected, global community, and students should experience a school education that reflects this reality. In other words, the curriculum, particularly curriculum that is related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (the STEM subjects), must provide opportunities for students to explore and experience the kind of connectedness that reflects life outside of school (L. Rennie et al, 2018)

An integrated curriculum that will enable students to understand and develop new knowledge about how they can think more globally and how those real-world problems are affecting themselves and their environment. Students should think more globally and play their part in finding shared solutions to the world's urgent challenges through sustainable practices.


What is STEM or STEAM Education?

While Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are disciplines in their own right, their importance and interactions have been advocated under the “STEM” banner for decades.

The meaning of STEM needs to be clearly articulated at all levels of government and education as to what is being promoted through the STEM agenda and what the possibilities are for schools. The significance of STEM is not clear and distinct and there is still debate and confusion on what STEM education involves, whether the disciplines should be integrated and to what extent, and even on whether the acronym itself should continue to be used

Integrated STEM instruction is not meant to add to an already full curriculum, but to enhance the existing curriculum and find interactions among disciplines so that students can understand the interdependence among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (Lynn A. Bryan et al ,2015)

The STEM agenda has ignited political, professional and business discussions, with significant implications for education.

Many educators are faced with the challenge of how successful and to what extent they can integrate the four disciplines. The challenge includes equal discipline attention in STEM agendas especially when various forms of integration are advocated. It is still difficult to predict which of the many approaches to advancing STEM education will be most effective and needed in our ever-changing world.

The agenda on STEM education continues to be a topic of much debate as nations attempt to develop more STEM-literate communities. There are still issues and challenges facing STEM education today.

Papua New Guinea has reacted to the STEM agenda by initiating a range of policy changes with the ultimate aim to develop a STEAM literate society in which all citizens have the expected level of STEAM literacy.

Although STEAM education appears potentially rich in fostering the engagement and learning of more students, it presents numerous challenges including the preparedness, willingness and confidence of teachers to embrace such a curriculum, as Kim and Bolger (2016) emphasize.In implementing any STEAM program, ensuring each of the disciplines is being adequately developed is critical.

English, L. (2017) noted that within these debates, STEM integration appears to be increasingly emphasized, reflecting the interdisciplinary solutions required in tackling today’s complex economic, social and environmental problems.

STEM is historically associated with the individual STEM disciplines but in education is being increasingly associated with integrated activities (Honey, Pearson, & Schweingruber, 2014; Stohlmann, Moore, & Roehrig, 2012; Williams, 2011).



According to English, L. (2017), irrespective of what definition is adopted, whether within a state, a nation, or globally, it needs to be consistent in achieving the desired educational aims, workable and accessible by all, and address the core content and processes of the respective disciplines.


It seems that the challenge faced today by many educators is how successful and to what extent they can integrate the four disciplines. The challenge includes equal discipline attention in STEM agendas especially when various forms of integration are advocated.


This short video shows that patience is important when designing models. An Electrical Engineer testing the current flow and current direction, connections, switch, speed and direction of the propeller for his wind boat project. click here:

Project-Based Learning(PBL)

Authentic STEM learning hinges on learners curiously inquiring into the world around them. Pedagogies have been developed that can be used in STEM education to promote such inquiry-oriented learning, including those that make significant use of digital technologies to support learning.


 Through such learning approaches, learners not only develop understanding about STEM concepts and propose solutions to problems, but they also authentically develop various higher-order thinking skills.


Project-based learning is an inquiry pedagogy and its one of those pedagogies for the 21st century which can be applied in STEM education through:

  • The design process in technology

  • Bybee’s 5E’s in science.

  • Modelling in mathematics

These practices and pedagogies and many more can be used to draw connections between the STEM disciplines.

How do you plan,teach and assess STEM?

We already have a curriculum (SBC) that connects to real-world problems, technologies, 21st century skills, STEM practices and pedagogies that integrates the STEM disciplines plus other disciplines.
Thanks to late Dr. Kukari and curriculum officers who engineered the design of SBC Curriculum.


About Me

I am one of the awardees of the Australian award  Short Course, Graduate Certificate in STEM Education at Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

I can not thank QUT, my STEM lecturers and the Australian Government enough for the learning opportunity, the knowledge and skills I learned from the short course. My website is an evident of that opportunity and of how the course has transformed and contributed  to my personal and professional growth.

Once again, thank you QUT and the Australian Government


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